Day 15 - May 25
Again intent upon taking the road less traveled we slipped off of Interstate 90 onto Highway 33 through farm country.
As usual, Donna tried to photo every old barn we passed. Not always successful from a moving vehicle. The farm houses seemed to be evenly divided between large newer houses and those clinging steadfastly to the old two story beige brick homes with the cracks in the bricks and the sagging porches. Regardless of the house they all had meticulously manicured lawns and flowerbeds next to the neatly tilled fields.
Unfortunately due to the road construction the trip that we anticipated would take a few hours too all day. The detours and alternate routes took us north then south and back again rather than the mostly easterly direction we had anticipated. We did note that the midwest is truly Americana and far more patriotic than the west coast as home displayed red, white & blue, stars and strips bunting on thier porch rails and front yard fences.
We ended our day's trek at Point Beach State Forest on Lake Michigan. The shore and sea grass looks much like the Pacific Ocean shores we have stayed at. Debbie, the lighthouse pictures are for you and why didn't you tell us that Wisconsin is king-sized mosquito country.
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