Or destinations closer based upon the price of gasoline. A travel journal of Keith, Donna, Annie & Kallie as we set off on a seven week road trip.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 11 - May 21

Today was our last day with the Dodges and our last day to be chauffeured around the countryside. We made a road trip to Lead (pronounced Leed) which is the home of the Homestake Mining Company which was one of the companies that made George Hearst (William Randolf Hearst's father) wealthy. From there we went to Deadwood, a town with a questionable past. The old downtown area is now almost exclusively Casinos. The scantily clad mannequins in the upstairs windows suggest the past of the town. From there we went on to Sturgis which is the home of may large motorcycle "group" gathering. Most of the businesses are motorcycle oriented. The highlight of the town tour was seeing "Big Bad Bertha's Biker Bar"...Wow that is a mouthful.

Fair warning to our dedicated readers that you will probably be seeing fewer pictures since the post for yesterday took 3 1/2 hours to upload. We love you all but I will probably try to make more pictures with words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big Bertha's Biker Bar? Did you imbibe? One for the road? I loved your blog for Tuesday. It was like we were there with you! You should write a travel book or something. Your trip sounds so neat - you have already seen so much! Everything's quiet here. We've had some rain (yes, rain!) Everything at your house looks fine and your kitty is still hanging around. He sure likes his head scratched. I planted stuff yesterday. Jon has put drip irrigation in my carport so look out world. I am headed to Murphy nursery today or tomorrow to look at her hanging baskets. If I have to give my firstborn, I'll look around. I don't know what came over me, but I invited the WHOLE choir (and their spouses) to my house next Wednesday for dinner! I must be possessed. Anyhow, I want everything to be flowery, etc. so I am on a mission. So many pots and so little time! Well, I guess I will get to work now. Actually, I am re-tiring today.(4 new tires on my Vitara.)Stay safe! Love ya! Billie

May 22, 2008 at 9:14 AM


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